Today I showed you this blog a little and you decided you wanted to put your stamp on it. So I asked what you'd like to tell yourself a year from now, or even ten years from now.
The results:
1. Don't do anything wrong
2. If you do anything wrong, you'll get to be in big trouble.
3. When you get lost, you should ask for directions.
4. I would do writing on the computer for a job.
5. Life is that you don't die, so you can be with your family.
6. Always wash your hand after you go to the bathroom.
7. Never ever push or hit or even kick.
8. If you have a cat you get to treat them nicely and pet them and don't throw them in the air or at the wall.
9. Be sweet.
10. Don't forget to turn off the light after you wash your hands.
Good advice, kiddo. Here are some things I'd like you to remember from me:
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