Wednesday, October 23, 2013

31 Favorite Things about Leelee - Day 23

You're not all sunshine and rainbows, kid.

Its not glamorous being a mom, and sometimes, its really frustrating. Mostly because no Mom really knows what the hell she's doing (ssshhhh. Tell no one I told you this). Its messy. It stinks and its randomly sticky. And these Favorite posts kind of paint the picture of parenthood perfection around here, my sweet. Not so!

But, that's okay. When you come along, run around and destroy something, or knowingly misbehave, or don't listen to me, the driving force behind my frustration isn't really your action. I hardly care about whatever you destroyed. What frustrates me is the flash realization that I'm not doing my job. That I've not yet figured out a way to explain to you how to concentrate and listen to my words, or I've not taught you to control yourself, or do a better job putting your toys away.

So much joy goes into raising you, but a lot of gut checks too. What if my whole parental GPS is way off and I end up toooootally screwing you up? You'd be surprised how quickly Mama can spin out. But, lately I've been grounding myself better. Touching down to earth just long enough to gather myself together and realize you're still a kid. You will test the waters. You will constantly make mistakes and that's okay. You're supposed to. All I can do is point you in a better direction. What worked for you last week may not be what works for you tomorrow, but so long as I keep flicking you towards the light, I think you'll do alright kiddo.

Your mistakes feel like my mistakes, but that doesn't mean we both can't learn from correcting them.


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