Sunday, October 27, 2013

31 Favorite Things about Leelee - Day 27

You're not a scaredy cat.

There are things you're naturally afraid of, like missing out on fun and losing special things, but when it comes to horror or blood and guts, you're pretty fascinated with the stuff.

Since you were little I didn't spend a lot of time shielding you from the scary movies I watched, but I did make sure to watch your reaction. The murder chasing their victim didn't scare you, and I made sure to point out all the fake stuff and laugh at the really awful and cheesy movies, like Killer Klownz from Outer Space.

You and your dad have scary movie nights and its all a ton of fun. I love sharing this love of horror with you, as strange as it sounds. I grew up watching Freddy Krueger and Friday the 13th movies and a general love of being scared. When you finally realize its all fake and can't hurt you, its so much fun being scared!

You don't have nightmares, you're only slightly afraid of the dark and with your birthday being on the scariest night of the year, you were kind of born into it kiddo. I hope you keep enjoying being creeped out and it continues to be something we share for a long time.


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